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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Mead Holt, son of Kennon Holt and other heirs named in Deed 1866

     Previous post was the marriage record for Mead Holt and Mary A. Shannon.  The following deed from Kennon Holt to his son, Joseph P. Holt located in Spencer County, Kentucky shows that Mead was indeed the son of Kennon Holt. Family lore suggests that Mead and Mary Holt died from drinking poisoned water about 1846. Their sons, Fleming and Samuel S. Holt are living with their grandparents, Kennon and Sarah Holt on the 1850 Census of Spencer County, Kentucky.
 Provisions were also made for Kennon and Sarah's granddaughters, Sarah and Mary E. Holt, children of their son, Thomas B. Holt, also deceased. Harriet Crutcher, daughter of Kennon and Sarah Holt is also named in this document.

Spencer County, Kentucky Deed Book M, page 259-261

Transcribed 28 June 2013 by Valerie J. Thompson, Professional Genealogist


Kennon Holt to Joseph P. Holt 1866

Page 259 Last line of the page:

     We Kennon Holt and Sarah Holt for and in consid-

Page 260

eration of the sum of Twelve thousand two hundred and fifty-four  43/100 dollars in hand paid and to be paid as follows, one fourth of which amount to be paid to our two grandsons, Fleming Holt and Samuel S. Holt the only heirs of our son, Mead Holt, dec’d, in equal portions. Viz., one third in hand  paid, and the balance in one and two years from the this date, for which notes are executed to them. The like amount and in like payments to Sallie Holt and Mary E. Holt in equal portions the only heirs of our son, Thomas Holt, dec’d, but said amount is to be retained in the hand of our son, Joseph P. Holt and held by him in trust for the use and benefit of our said granddaughters, Sallie Holt and Mary E. Holt until they arrive at the age of twenty one years or marry, at which time their portion shall be paid over to them respectively, The like amount and in like payments paid and to be paid to our daughter, Harriet Crutcher for which notes are executed to her, and the like amount to be retained by our son, Joseph P. Holt as his portions, do hereby give grant sell and convey with covenant of general warranty unto our said son, Joseph P. Holt and his heirs and assigns, One certain tract or parcel of land lying in the counties of Spencer and Shelby (the greater portion in the first named county) and State of Kentucky, the same on which we now live and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stone in the county road, corner to Samuel Ruble, Thence North 12 ¾ East 114 4/10 poles to a stone, thence North 21 ¾ East 116 5/10 poles to a beech, thence North 68 ¾ W 51 poles to a stone, thence North 68 ¼ West 56 poles to a stone, thence North 9 [degrees] West 13 poles to a stone, thence 71 ¼ degree E 41 poles to a stone, and a branch, thence N 61, West 28 ½ poles to a beech, thence North 71 West23 poles to a sugartree thence North 54 [degrees] West 32 8/10 poles to a stone and sugartree, thence North 87 West 43 8/10 poles to an elm, thence South 87 ¾ West 36 ½ poles to a stake and locust, thence South 34 ¼ West 15 9/10 poles to a beech, thence North 68 West 55 poles to the center of Guist’s Creek, thence South 15 ½ West 37 ½ poles to center of the creek, thence South 70 East 27 poles to a beech stump and a branch, thence South 70 East thence south 38 east 12 8/10 poles to an elm stump on a branch, thence up the same South 22 ½ East 30 poles, South 40 East 9 ½ poles South 29 East 21 poles South 14 east25 poles south 25 east22poles (line missing from copy) 21 poles to a stone in the old line, thence Soth 22 West 73 6/10 poles to a stone in the road, thence South 71 ¼ East 174 poles to the Beginning, containing four hundred and one acres, 1 rood 37 poles, To have and to hold the same with its appurtenances unto the said Joseph P. Holt and his heirs and assigns forever, But we hereby reserve the family room in the dwelling house on said farm for our use and benefit so long as we, or either of us may live with the right of engress and egress to and from the same at any and all times, as we may think fit and proper also the right to use firewood off of said land so long as we may use said room. It is further understood that a lean is retained on the land for the payment of the purchased money, Witness our hands this 6th day of February 1866.                                                                    

                                                                                                                       Kennon Holt

                                                                                                                       Sarah Holt