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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

2020 December Thoughts

 Dear Followers,

Needless to say, but it’s been a tough year indeed!

Few have been exempt from the Covid virus in one way or another. 

Personal tragedy struck my family last January when a driver crossed the center line and hit my brother head on. He’s still in a care facility, and recovering from the Covid-19 virus. 

Each day I do my best to care for my parents, Mother is 91 and Dad will be 91 in January. 

I do find time to research family genealogy for others. My donated files are locked up in the historical society due to the virus. Good resources are still available. It is my pleasure to assist where I can. 

This Christmas season I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. I want to thank each and every person who made a difference, gave a smile, brought a meal, prayed and gave Hope. 

Kindest Regards,

Valerie Thompson