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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Signing of the Cane Treaty 2012

 Signing of the Cane Treaty 2012
    October 12th was the 65th annual signing of the Cane Treaty between the people of Barbourville and the Cherokee people. It was historically significant, as both the Eastern Band and Western Band of Cherokee were represented. Rick Bird and his family from North Carolina and Nammy Award winning flutist, Tommy Wildcat and some members of his family from Oklahoma were present for the signing.  The signing was held at the 65th  Daniel Boone Festival in Barbourville, Kentucky

The Kentuckians wish to make a new treaty with the Cherokees. It shall be known forever as the Cherokee Cane Treaty and shall read:

  We the people of the Cherokee Nation and the people of Kentucky, in friendly council here assembled, do make this solemn compact, to last until such time as the sun shall no longer rise in the East, the birds no longer sing, and green things no longer grow upon the earth.
Article One

    We the people of the Cherokee Nation do agree to send a delegation of one or more, to Barbourville, Kentucky, to visit our Kentucky friends.
Article Two
     We the people of Kentucky do agree to repay the kindess of the Cherokees with gifts of cane. We the people of Kentucy affirm and believe that Kentucky cane, woven with Cherokee skill and artistry, will make baskets strong and filled with friendship.

Rick Bird signs treaty

Cherokee basketweaver signs treaty.

The Cane

Many years ago the Cherokee people made baskets from the cane that grew along the banks of the Cumberland River.  

Tommy Wildcat and Cherokee Dancers
NAMMY winning flutist,
Tommy Wildcat

Cherokee Dancers, National Armory, Barboursville, Kentucky

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